Chapter 5: Develpoing a Global Vision
Global marketing according to the MKTG text is marketing that targets markets throughout the world. In order is have a success with the global market you must have a global vision. Global vision is recognizing and reacting to international marketing opportunities, using effective global marketing strategies, and being aware of threats from foreign competitors in all markets. Apple has pin pointed and react to the "four P's" of marketing. The four P's consist of price, product, placement, and promotion. Apple's prices seem to vary in all countries; for example the MacBook laptop. The base price of the MacBook in America is $1,000. The chart below shows the price of a MacBook in other major countries currency into US Dollars.
UK £816=$1313
CANADA $1099=$1040
France 899 €=$ 1272
Germany 929 €=$ 1314
China ¥7998= $1171
Korea ₩1,390,000= $ 1210
Japan ¥98,800=$ 1097
Hong Kong HK$ 7,788=$ 1002
Australia A$ 1,299.00= $ 1174
Sweden 9.995,00 kr= $ 1384
Apple's products take on a little adjustment in other markets. For example, in Sweden the MacBook features 3 extra letters because of Sweden's alphabet. All products dont come in the english lauange. The products feature about 20 different lauages such as French, Svenska, Spanish or even Polski. Products also feature a different power plug to fit for the different electrical outlets. Most countires have dirrerent sockets. The picture above shows a socket for New Zealand.
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